Material basic data table sap
Material basic data table sap

Considering the performance of CDS view, I used a different approach. ( CDS view cannot be joined with function modules directly, but you can use virtual elements to fetch data from function modules). The value are set in the fixed value of the Domain ATTYP.Ĭheck the table DD07T with DOMNAME= ‘ATTYP’.This Blog Post discusses the approach to get the long text of a material in a CDS view with virtual elements but without using the function module ‘READ_TEXT’. The field MARA-ATTYP define the SAP Material Category. Read more about List of Important SAP Material Types in SAP MM SAP Material Category (SAP Material Group) The description of the type can be found on T134T Table.

material basic data table sap

The Material Type is configured in the table T134 (Material Types). The type of Material is set on MARA-MTART. SAP Material Tables for Customizing SAP Material Type For example, if you want to evaluate the material by origin, set Valuation type to Origin H. Valuation Type (BWTAR) Uniquely identifies separately valuated stocks of a material. A valuation area can a plant or all plants belonging to a company. Valuation Area (BWKEY) is BWKEY “Organizational level at which the material is valuated. MARM sets the conversion between the possible units of measure for the material.įor more detail check my other post about SAP Material Alternative Unit. The field for Material Description is MAKT-MAKTX MARM: Units of Measure for Material MAKT is the table where SAP Material Description are set. In SAP, the definition of a PLANT is : “A place where materials are produced, or goods and services are provided.” MAKT: Material Descriptions

material basic data table sap

MARC stored the Plant related data for SAP Material. The Key for a SAP Material is MARA-MATNR. MARA stores all the General Material Data. MARA is the SAP Master data Table for Material. The new section, some important Material Master Tables in SAP will detail with the condition to join.Īlso, the main Customizing SAP MM Tables for Materials (for SAP Material Category and Material Type) SAP Material Master Tables Details General Material Data Table: MARA The main Material Master Tables in SAP are: SAP TABLES DESCRIPTION MARA SAP Material Master Table for General data MAKT Material Master: Description MARM Material Master: Unit of Measure MAPE Material master: Export control file MARC Material master: Plant data MARD Material master: Storage location MBEW Material valuation MLGN Material Master: WM Inventory MLGT Material Master: WM Inventory type MDIP Material: MRP profiles (field contents) MVER Material Master: Consumption DVER SAP Material Master: Consumption MVKE SAP ?Material Master: Sales MLAN SAP Material Master: Tax indicator MAPR SAP Material Master: Forecast MCH1 SAP Material Master: X Plant Batches MCHA SAP Material Master Table: ?Batches MCHB SAP Material Master: Batch Stock MOFF Outstanding Material Master Records (Maintenance status) MARCH Material Master C Segment: History MARDH Material Master Storage Location Segment: History MBEWH Material Valuation: History STKO BOM Header Details STPO BOM Item Details MAST Material to BOM Link T023 Material Groups

  • Production Planning and Control for material requirements planning, scheduling, and work scheduling.
  • Sales and Distribution for sales order processing.

  • Invoice Verification for posting invoices.
  • Inventory Management for goods movement postings and physical inventory.
  • In the SAP Logistics System, the data contained in the material master is required, for example, for the following functions: The integration of all material data in a single database object eliminates redundant data storage. The material master is used by all components in the SAP Logistics System. This information is stored in individual material master records.” Where SAP Material Master is used ? It is the company’s central source for retrieving material-specific data. Up to SAP, “The material master contains information on all the materials that a company procures or produces, stores, and sells.
  • SAP Material Category (SAP Material Group) What’s Material Master ?.

  • Material basic data table sap